Companionship Is Always A State Of Being Relaxed
Dog Training Hawaii
Love Is The Absence Of Judgement
Connection Is Stronger Than Control
If You Know Better, you Do Better

Become a leader

Dog Training Hawaii

We all lead.
More or less successfully. Sunshine Dog Training Hawaii

If you are a CEO of a big company or a project manager;  a mother, a father or an educator;  a doctor or a nurse; a friend or a pet guardian; the one who takes responsibility or the one who inspires others…Dog Training Hawaii

then indeed leading in daily life is not an actual choice.

The question is not "How I am able to do it?",
but rather "Who am I?".

If you agree with that statement, then Sunshine Dogs Hawaii can help you and your dog to reach your goals. Dog Training Hawaii

Naturally all of us are born with leader-qualities, but their potential has yet to be unlocked. Therefore it is about discovering and living up to your values while identifying and removing false beliefs that you picked up along the way. Only by doing the work of self discovery, it is possible to set yourself free and achieve your highest potential. In fact we all follow only the independent.

If your doubt yourself, how could anyone else be able to believe in you?

In short techniques come and go, yet doubts and insecurities remain. Only an insecure person tries to control other individuals and creates hierarchies. Because of their insecurity they are driven by the fear of loss and the need of approval and assurance of others.

What if Sunshine Dogs Hawaii could give you the tools and set you on the path that would turn all your doubts and fears into confidence?

When you can effectively demonstrate competence through acceptance, of course others cannot help but to be inspired.

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Leadership Coaching explained
through Human-Dog-Relationships

If you can learn interspecies communication with dogs and accept them for who they really are, then improvements in your human-relationships will follow naturally.

Why are dogs our heroes?

If you want to understand the nature of human beings, then let’s talk about dogs. If you want to understand the nature of dogs, then let’s talk about humans.

In general a life with a dog is wonderful, sometimes painful, but always insightful. Without doubt dogs are extremely valuable because they show their pure emotions, honestly and unfiltered. Dog Training Hawaii

Indeed the emotional range we share with them is very similar. If we are open minded, we can easier learn from them: “How to create honest relationships based on mutual understanding, trust & respect.”

For that purpose our dogs allow us to step outside our often confused and dishonest human-centric perspective, while giving us a much better chance of avoiding unhelpful judgements or mental barriers. When we learn from dogs it’s much easier to avoid the major consequences that are possible when confronting the sources of conflict of our daily lives.

The first lesson is to stop underestimating dogs, because your relationship with them is in no way inferior to human-human relationships.

When dogs express how they are feeling, it’s an excellent opportunity for your own reflection. Sunshine Dogs Hawaii will help you to understand yourself, for the purpose to understand your dog and your environment.  Dog Training Hawaii

Dog Training Hawaii

A Life with a dog is wonderful, sometimes painful, but always insightful...

Dogs do not have to learn to be social.
But humans have to learn how to lead!

Because of their unconditional love our dogs express they can bypass our ego armor.  For example the thoughts, emotions and behaviors that we have created over time to protect ourselves. Often we are not even aware of these patterns as we quickly focus on our counterpart.

Never is the goal to change our counterpart, but to use their resistance as a tool. Then we are able to learn about our own misfiring protection systems and dismantle them step by step. Only then you are able to gain your own independence and to become a reliable role model for others. Dog Training Hawaii

Crossover coaching uses analogies  as an innovative and logical way to illuminate and resolve the conflict triggers between yourself, your dog, and even your professional relationships.

After all dogs do not have to learn to be social. When they become a part of a home, they fall into roles and responsibilities as anyone would. They get used to how things are, and their personality and demeanor adjusts accordingly. However for humans the learning curve for leadership can be quite steep and very uncomfortable.

Unfortunately these days it’s increasingly rare for someone to be taught from a young age how to accept responsibility and take on a leadership role, but we can learn through observing our canine friends, that taking on a new role doesn’t have to be torture. Dog Training Hawaii

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©Sunshine Dogs Hawaii 2023